Le Centre rouge

Dans les territoires du Nord, il fait (tres) chaud et (tres) sec. Le désert est étonnant, avec ses canyons, secs lacs asséchés et ses énormes bloc rocailleux. Le plus connu d'entre eux est Uluru, site aborigène sacré. Découvrez-le au soleil levant et vous saurez pourquoi.


Photos par Blandine et Will Boon
Dernière mise à jour 15 Septembre 2005

Human head shape visible on the rock face of Uluru

Early morning sun begins to rise over Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia
Sun beings to set over Uluru, Red Center, Australia
Drive Carefully - Kangaroo's crossing at Uluru
An eroded rock cave seen at Uluru, Red Center, Australia
Peter: Australian Bush guide, Red Center, Australia
A dead tree lies among the rocks of Kings Canyon, Australia
Bush guide wanders through the canyon landscape, Kings Canyon, Australia
The endless vista of rock formations, Kings Canyon, Northern Territory, Australia
The steep cliff face of Kings Canyon, Northern Territory, Australia
Rock and vegetation reflect bright colours in the water, Kings Canyon, Australia
Woman sitting on the canyon edge, Kings Canyon, Red Center, Australia
The rock formations of kata Tjuta(The Olgas), Red Center, Northern Territory, Australia
Welcome to Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Boarding our Qantas flight for Brisbane
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